Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design
Saint Petersburg arose from a desolate swampland on May 27, 1703 by Peter the great who sought to modernize Russia by founding a city with access to the sea. This would allow Russia to sell and trade her wares. The city itself has a rich and heartbreaking history- built by prisoners and peasants, the famous siege of Leningrad (as it was then called) and home to some of the most ruthless and brilliant rulers we know today.
St. Petersburg has been dubbed the Paris or Venice of the north Due to its remarkable architecture and canal system. When in construction, Peter the Great banned the use of building material elsewhere in Russia, forcing laborers to bring their skills to the city.
Motifs: Nautical icons and patterns are intertwined with the city’s architecture. Neoclassical columns and Stalinist motifs also make an appearance in many of the cities facades
Architectural style: Neoclassical, Empire-style, Baroque, Stalinist, Style Moderne/ Art Nouveau
To see: Hermitage Museum, Peterhof Palace, Winter Palace, Peter and Paul Fortress, Palace Square, Nevsky Prospect, Mariinsky Theatre, Saint Isaac's Cathedral, Church of the Savior on Blood

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design

Saint Petersburg| Deborah Jehlicka Studio Brand Design